Social Studies Time Capsule Project

Mr Bukoski’s Social Studies Classes worked on a “time capsule project” recently where students were required to seal at least three current interest items in an envelope. In May 2019 the capsules will be opened and students will decide whether or not their interests have changed from the beginning of the school year to the end. Three 7th grade students shared the contents of their envelopes: Adrian put in his video “Call of Duty”, a passport as he wants to travel, and a pencil because he enjoys drawing. Ella’s items represented activities she loves: volleyball, softball, chemistry, coloring, and baking. Katelyn included her favorite book, a bracelet from a music concert she attended, her three pets, Starbucks, and her favorite ride at Six Flags. When asked if they thought these interests would change they all said no. We will check back with them in May to find out!